What Is The Weather Like In Munich Germany September October


Munich, Germany is a picturesque city featuring an array of cultural attractions and a unique cityscape. Each season has its own identity, and each comes with its own weather. September may still bear some of the summer warmth or may quickly transition to cooler temperatures.

The climate in Munich during September can be described as mild and reasonably dry. The average temperature is still quite hot at 17° Celsius, however there is on average 13 days of precipitation making the weather quite unpredictable. Day temperatures still rise up to a tropical 24° Celsius whereas night temperatures can drop to a chilly 10° Celsius. The average relative humidity is at 72%, with little variation throughout the month.

The peak of summer often brings cloudy skies to Munich during September and light rain showers which actually help to reduce the heat being felt in the day. During this period, the climate remains moderate, although there may be some thunderstorms with strong gusts of wind. Therefore, visitors should always come prepared with suitable clothing and sun protection.

September is also the perfect time to enjoy outdoor activities such as swimming, hiking and exploring the city, as long as one is aware of the changing weather. The longest day of the year is celebrated in Munich, on the first day of autumn. This provides the opportunity to experience the city whilst the sun is still high in the sky.


October is a time of transition in Munich, with cooler temperatures and wetter weather. It is not entirely unusual to see temperatures in the late summer range during the last couple of weeks of October. During this month the average temperature drops significantly, down to 8° Celsius during the day and 2° Celsius at night.

The average amount of precipitation has increased to 17 days during October, with showers and cloudy days being more frequent than ever before. The city often sees gusts of strong winds, as thunderstorms remain a permanent and potentially dangerous feature of this season. It is important to come prepared to cope with whatever October may bring.

As autumn continues, the days become shorter and Munich has fewer hours of sunlight. This makes it even more important for visitors to make use of their free time and explore the city whilst the sun is still available to them. Although the temperature has dropped significantly, Munich is still a great place to explore, as long as the right clothing is worn.

October is also the time for some of Munich’s more traditional festivals, such as the Oktoberfest and the Beer and Wine Festival. Visitors can look forward to taking unique photos of medieval sites such as the Frauenkirche and the Nymphenburg Palace while dressed up in traditional Bavarian costumes.

Average Temperature

The average temperature in Munich for September and October is quite significant, as it signals a change from summer to winter. The average temperature in September remains relatively high, at 17° Celsius during the day and 10° Celsius at night. October, however, sees a significant drop in temperature, with a daily average of 8° Celsius and a nocturnal average of 2° Celsius.

These temperatures are trend indicators of what weather visitors may expect to find in the city during September and October. It is important for visitors to prepare according to the expected temperature, as cold winds may cause the temperature to drop significantly further and catch tourists off guard.

On average, September has 213 hours of sunlight and October only 188 hours of sunlight, which is a significant difference in daylight. The days become shorter in the late autumn, making it important to explore during the day when the sunlight is still available.


The amount of precipitation experienced in Munich during September and October is the highest recorded for the year. September sees an average of 13 days with precipitation, whereas October sees a whopping 17 days. Although the days with precipitation are fewer in number, the quantity of rain experienced has increased significantly. The chances of experiencing a thunderstorm and bursts of strong wind are much more likely during this season.

The increase in rainfall and clouds also cools the temperature, sometimes making it difficult to predict the exact temperature during the day. It is important to consider the effect that the change in temperature and rainfall will have on a visitors chosen activities.

October sees a dramatic decrease in the hours of available sunlight, and the increasingly wet and chilly autumn weather makes it more difficult to enjoy traditional outdoor attractions such as parks and gardens.


The weather in Munich during September and October is a combination of warm and cool temperatures which creates the optimum occasion to buy transitional clothing. The temperatures can fluctuate, with variation during the day and night, so it is important to be prepared and wear layers.

The days are shorter and cooler as the winter season approaches, so it is important to come prepared with a warm coat. The risk of showers increases tremendously during this season, so a waterproof raincoat is also recommended. Although in September the city may experience some days of 24° Celsius and summery weather, come October the temperature drops drastically. Short trousers and T-shirts should not be part of one’s wardrobe – unless one is willing to brave the cold!

Munich is a city of traditional and conservative style. When visiting for festivals such as the October Beer Festival, visitors should consider the Bavarian style to wear attractive and unique costumes such as dirndls and lederhosen.


The weather during September and October in Munich can be unpredictable and challenging to prepare for. When packing for a trip, consider the uncertainty of the seasonal weather and the need to dress in layers.

Furthermore, it is important to research the area before traveling to Munich to make sure that visitors are aware of the attractions that can be visited in the months of September and October. Looking for alternate attractions, such as indoor activities and attractions, is advisable in the colder months.

Finally, consider the impact of the temperature and rainfall levels when choosing an outfit for a particular activity. Although some activities may be possible to take part in during the summer, the autumn may be more suitable for activities such as visiting the local brewery.


Munich is a city full of surprises and an abundance of unique attractions, whatever the season. The weather during September and October can present some challenges, however it can also be a great time to experience the city and its traditional festivals. If visitors are prepared for the changing temperatures and wetter days, then a trip to Munich during these months can be a truly rewarding experience.

Annie McKenna

Annie D. McKenna is a journalist and travel writer specializing in German culture and lifestyle. She has been to Germany numerous times, and has written extensively about the country, its people, and its culture. She has written for various publications, including The Guardian, The Huffington Post, and The Telegraph. She is passionate about exploring the world and sharing her experiences with others.

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